If you haven’t RSVP’d for our meeting this Sunday afternoon, please do so right away. It’s going to be a great one.
The Met Life Center for Special Needs Planning will be presenting a FREE seminar on Feb 27 at 4pm at Family Therapy Solutions. Family Therapy is located @ 2120 Bryan Valley Commercial Drive (Bryan Rd in center where Radical Resale is) in O Fallon, MO.
This will focus on two main elements.
~~Why having a special needs trust is important to ensure that your child will receive the appropriate benefits from all available resources as they move through the childhood and adult years.
~~How the process of setting up a special needs trust works.
This presentation will be given by J. Todd Gentry, from the Met Life Center for Special Needs Planning in Chesterfield. He also serves on the DSAGSL board of directors. The meeting will be casual with plenty of interaction for questions and answers, as well as information on the legal side of the trust.
We have several families who have attended this seminar before and have spoken highly of it. Some are currently in process of setting up their trusts through Todd and the Met Life office.
This is VERY valuable information, so we highly encourage you to make a point to come. It is important to have all the information about how to best plan for your child's future care.
We hope to see you there!!